Social Media Policy

This document provides guidelines on the use of social media and regulates the relationship between Dedagroup and users.


Dedagroup uses the main social media to communicate with the market (customers, prospects, and influencers, etc.), the media (newspapers, web, radio, and TV, etc.), and the world of research (universities, laboratories, and research institutes, etc.). Communication on social media also addresses the internal community of Deda Group People (employees and contractors).Institutional channels are managed by the Marketing & Communications department of Dedagroup. For any information: socialmedia@dedagroup.it.


Dedagroup uses the main social media to:

  • Provide information on the offering and skills of its business lines or Group companies
  • Promote events (physical or virtual) of Group companies or partner companies
  • Give visibility to press releases, news or other content on its site
  • Relaunch the contents of other users considered of interest to users

Texts, photographs and documents (infographics, and white papers, etc.) produced by Dedagroup and shared on its social channels, unless otherwise specified shall be considered released under license Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. They can therefore be freely reproduced, but must always be credited to the original reference channel.



Dedagroup social channels are open to anyone who wishes to enter into polite, relevant and respectful conversation. There will be no tolerance of:

  • Contents that promote, encourage or perpetuate discrimination (on the basis of sex, race, language, religion, political views, or sexual orientation, etc.)
  • Solicitation for the purchase of goods or services
  • Conduct or encouragement of illegal activities
  • Content that presents sensitive data in violation of Italian Privacy Law
  • Content that violates the interests of legal ownership or third parties
  • Sexual content

The following are discouraged and moderated

  • Off topic content
  • Political comments
  • Offensive language or content
  • Spam 

Dedagroup reserves the right to remove any content that violates this social media policy and if necessary to block the user. In the most serious cases Dedagroup reserves the right to report the user to the managers of the platform and if necessary the police.



The processing of the personal data of users complies with the policy in use on the platforms (Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, etc.). Sensitive data posted in comments or public posts on our social channels will be removed (see Moderation section). Data shared by users through the private messaging functions of social media will be processed in compliance with Italian privacy laws (Dedagroup Privacy Policy).

*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
    [BLOB:ID=608] => Array
            [Entity] => BLOB:ID=608
            [URLview_IT] => https://www.deda.group/social-media-policy
            [URLview_EN] => https://www.deda.group/social-media-policy-en

*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
    [IT] => https://www.deda.group/social-media-policy
    [EN] => https://www.deda.group/social-media-policy-en
*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
    [BLOB:ID=608] => Array
            [Entity] => BLOB:ID=608
            [URLview_IT] => https://www.deda.group/social-media-policy
            [URLview_EN] => https://www.deda.group/social-media-policy-en

*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
    [IT] => https://www.deda.group/social-media-policy
    [EN] => https://www.deda.group/social-media-policy-en