Stealth Day 2020: new scenarios in the Fashion and Luxury industry

A first-time digital event, with a wider and international Stealth Community


Like every year, the Stealth Community meets at Stealth Day to keep up with the hot topics of the Fashion and Luxury industry and to adapt to new scenarios

This year Stealth Day goes digital for the first time and embraces an even much wider international community to include the latest entry - the UK firm Zedonk, that Deda Group Stealth acquired in May 2020 - into this international network of companies aiming to serve Fashion and Luxury brands in their technology needs.


The growing and developing the market is a crucial challenge for every company, especially in the fashion industry, where new scenarios are fast-moving and in constant evolution. Dedagroup Stealth, therefore, organizes Stealth Day. This key event about the digital transformation of the Fashion and Luxury retail industry is indeed an opportunity to discuss the big issues of the moment and offer new points of view on the future of the industry.

2020 has been a very challenging year for the companies of the Fashion and Luxury industry. Yet, it has also opened different scenarios. The commitment to sustainability, for instance, can be an opportunity for growth for fashion brands, but also a challenge to meet new standards, as will be highlighted by Francesca Rinaldi in her Keynote Speech about sustainable fashion and new models of circular economy in the Fashion Industry. Many other issues are yet still open. What are we supposed to expect from the future of Fashion? How can technology support companies in following this new and unexplored path?

2020’s Stealth Day edition revolves around these topics: rethinking the industry’s logic in a more sustainable view, internalization challenges, and the new technologies as the best ally to create a solid shared value.

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