Behind the scene at an Italian software house

What we do - our range of solutions, technologies and services - is important, but so is how we do it: creatively interweaving and integrating experiences and skills lie at the heart of our business. Powered By Deda People is not just a slogan: it is the foundation of our excellence


Software Made in Italy

The capacity to develop reliable, secure and high-performance solutions that are able to perfectly adapt to our clients’ organizational environment is part of our DNA. Creatively designed and painstakingly implemented solutions in the tradition of Italian excellence

How are Deda Group's Italian software solutions developed? What experiences go into them and how they develop and evolve, in the words of those who take part in this extraordinary process every day.


Dedagroup Public Services - Next

Deda Stealth - Stealth®


Dedagroup International Business - BankUp

Deda Digital - FlexCMP®


Deda Group behind the scenes

What does it mean to work at Deda Group: what do we do, but above all how do we view our role? The story in our Ambassadors’ own words.



Co-Innovation Lab

Combining skills and culture to create a co-design and co-development process that brings together researchers and businesses: this is the approach that underlies the Co-Innovation Lab - a joint Deda Group-FBK (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) initiative - in the words of those who work on it.

*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
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            [URLview_EN] => https://www.deda.group/deda/life-at-deda/behind-the-scene-at-an-italian-software-house

*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
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    [EN] => https://www.deda.group/deda/life-at-deda/behind-the-scene-at-an-italian-software-house
*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
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            [URLview_EN] => https://www.deda.group/deda/life-at-deda/behind-the-scene-at-an-italian-software-house

*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
    [IT] => https://www.deda.group/deda/vita-in-deda/dietro-le-quinte-del-made-in-italy-software
    [EN] => https://www.deda.group/deda/life-at-deda/behind-the-scene-at-an-italian-software-house