Our competence aggregation's strategy continues: Deda Value is born


The Public Administration Group's offer keeps growing: innovation in financial management generates resources to drive growth and efficiency in citizen services


The execution of the 2020-23 Dedagroup's industrial plan continues relentlessly. As a pillar of the Group’s growth stands the aggregation of the best software and innovation excellences in Italy. And it is under the banner of enhancing synergies and skills that Dedagroup Public Services presents the new company Deda Value. In doing so, the Group expands its offer in Italy to generate more value for public organizations, combining technology with highly specialized services and unique skills.

Deda Value will support the financial recovery in complex sectors such as PA and Health by retrieving part of the economic resources to innovate and improve services to citizens.


"We decided to create this new company with the precise objective of bringing Public Entities and healthcare organizations the highest possible level of innovation in the approach and tools for their financial management. We believe this can contribute decisively to our and our clients' primary objective: fueling the growth and efficiency of citizens' services."

Fabio Meloni, CEO, Dedagroup Public Services


Boldly exploring
new horizons

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            [URLview_EN] => https://www.deda.group/deda/group/history/deda-value-is-born

*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
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    [EN] => https://www.deda.group/deda/group/history/deda-value-is-born
*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
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            [URLview_EN] => https://www.deda.group/deda/group/history/deda-value-is-born

*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
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    [EN] => https://www.deda.group/deda/group/history/deda-value-is-born