Deda Academy

A business school aimed at young talent that was created to foster the development of skills required by new digital professions.

A free opportunity created to accompany you in the transition from academia to the professional world. With Deda Academy we introduce new talent to the world of work through a Learning by Doing approach and the experience of Deda People and established professionals.
Free training
Dedicated tutor
Hired after training
Classroom and on-the-job training
22 Editions
275 Young people trained
76% Hiring at the end of the course
6 months months of training
Find out about upcoming courses

Our calendar is constantly being updated.
Can't find the right opportunity? Let's stay in touch!
Follow us on social media or send us your application.


Our selection process

At Deda, we guarantee equal opportunity and transparency for all candidates. Learn about the stages and criteria of evaluation.


Can't find a position that fits your profile?

Send us your unsolicited application.


Life at Deda

What it means to work at Deda,
how we stay up to date and view our role

*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
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*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
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    [EN] => https://www.deda.group/careers/deda-academy-en
*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
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            [URLview_EN] => https://www.deda.group/careers/deda-academy-en

*|clsExtension::expandExtension (modExtension.php at 339):
    [IT] => https://www.deda.group/careers/deda-academy
    [EN] => https://www.deda.group/careers/deda-academy-en